Sales Notification


Live Sales Notifications - Sales Pop by EVM

  • Recently bought sales popup builds customer trust to your shopify store, products and services.
  • Sales Popup displays real-time notifications of recent sales.
  • It creates a busy and live atmosphere in your online store and boost sales.

Recently bought sales notifications is an powerful marketing tool which helps to increase your sales. Apps help to display recent notification in real time.

Shows live notifications to users.

It prompts the visitors to buy the products by showing live notifications as some other people also bought that product few minutes back.

Note: Your store must have at least one order placed to make this app work.


[cq_vc_todolist header=”” headercolor=”#ffffff” headerbackground=”” isclickable=”no” icon_fontawesome=”” itembg=”border” containerwidth=”100%”][cq_vc_todolist_item listicon=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-caret-right” iconcolor=”#004bc1″ listcontent=”Visitors See Real Time Sales”][cq_vc_todolist_item listicon=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-caret-right” iconcolor=”#004bc1″ listcontent=”Increases Trust to Purchase the product”][cq_vc_todolist_item listicon=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-caret-right” iconcolor=”#004bc1″ listcontent=”Visitors Notice the Recent Trend of Products Purchased from The Store”][cq_vc_todolist_item listicon=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-caret-right” iconcolor=”#004bc1″ listcontent=”It increases Engagement”][cq_vc_todolist_item listicon=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-caret-right” iconcolor=”#004bc1″ listcontent=”Reduce the Bounce Rate”][/cq_vc_todolist]